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4 ways to get into tech industry with no experience

Aakansha Malpani
February 21, 2022
Last updated on
April 26, 2024

Ever since the pandemic, digitalization and automation has accelerated even more, which led companies to look into critical skills gap within their workspace. And with the current technological advancement, things are evolving rapidly and jobs are constantly being automated. Hence, to future-proof your job, staying relevant with the tech industry is crucial!

As an EdTech company we have many students join our bootcamps throughout the year and they all come from different careers, various age groups with diverse stories! Hence from our experience and research, we have combined top and effective ways to break into the tech industry.

Here are a few ways you break into the tech industry with no experience:

1. Keep up with current trends

First and foremost, keeping up with current tech trends is the easiest way to get yourself more familiarised with the industry. The more you are aware of what's happening in the industry, the easier it will be for you to pick up and transition into the tech industry.

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2. Reskill/Upskill Yourself

According to research from the World Economic Forum (WEF), nearly 50% of the workforce would be required to upskill or reskill themselves by 2025 to keep up with technological advancements. Upskilling/reskilling is one of the cost and time-effective way to keep yourself updated amidst all the constant changes.

There are various ways to upskill/reskill yourself whether through online courses or in-class bootcamps. Xccelerate offers various tech courses that allow you to upskill and reskill yourself and make yourself indispensable! Moreover, these courses are career-focused, allowing individuals to apply the learned knowledge within their work. Xccelerate offers 16-week full-time bootcamps in Hong Kong such as Data Science & Machine Learning, full-stack web development (coding), full-stack UXUI Design and Cybersecurity Immersive, which are great for a career change. Part-time courses offered are web development for beginners, data science & machine learning, python, UX design and UI design are perfect for upskilling & reskilling purposes.

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3. Attend tech events to grow your network

Attending relevant events is a great way to explore the industry, gain more information and educate yourself further. You also get to keep yourself updated about new trends within the tech industries, career pathways, innovation, and much more!
Most importantly, you meet new people and get to network with larger group of people from different background. More people you meet in these events, higher chances of opening new opportunities and business referrals.
Lastly, attending such events is making an investment in yourself plus your business so at the end of the day you have nothing to lose!

Xccelerate offers many tech events and mentor jams that allow you to get a better taste of the tech courses and tech industries. There are constant trial workshops for UXUI Design, Web Development (Coding), and Data Science & Machine Learning, where you can get more information about the courses, application, career pathways, and learn other things. In addition Xccelerate also holds 1-day bootcamp trial classes 3-4 times a year, allowing the students to get an experience before joining the BootCamp.

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4. Build experience by taking on technical projects

If you’re currently employed, you can start taking on technical projects gradually to get experience and build the skillset. This will allow you to work on your skills and give an opportunity to see whether you actually like the work as having an interest is not enough. Getting concrete experience under your belt is essential, plus it lets you build your portfolio.

This will also help you in learning how to work with different teams, especially the IT team and communicate better.

Read Also: Which Tech Career Is Right for Me?


In this year likely there will be many major changes that will be taking place in terms of further technological developments. Hence, it is essential for individuals and organisations to remain relevant. And by fostering an adaptive and flexible mindset you will be able to remain relevant, vigilant and focused.

Organizations can no longer avoid /or delay their digital transformation, adoption is the only way forward. And if individuals want to future-proof their careers it is time to get on the this train and find ways to unlock your career in tech.

To learn more about some tech industry data within the Hong Kong market, check out Xccelerate's job ticker - Data Science, UXUI Design, Web Development. To find out about companies that are hiring tech talents in Hong Kong, check out Xccelerate's job board - 1st tech jobs employment platform in Hong Kong.

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If you are at a choice point in your career and need someone to help you navigate professional challenges. You can make an appointment for our complimentary 1-on-1 Career Consultation and receive personalised career advice.

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