Xccelerate participates in Women in Data Science 2018

March 8, 2018
Last updated on
March 13, 2024

In the spirit of International Women’s Day, Xccelerate was honored to participate in SAP Hong Kong’s Women in Data Science 2018. Speakers from BASF, Schneider Electric, SAP, and Hong Kong University for Science and Technology, and Altitude Labs (a Hong Kong digital transformation start-up with 50% female staff) gave inspiring presentations on Big Data in Supply Chain, Sentiment and Emotion Aware Natural Language Processing, Innovating with Purpose, and Best Practices for Women Entrepreneurs. Kristen Carusos, Head of Growth at Xccelerate, discussed how women can continue to grow, lead and support each other in a data science world with the other panelists.

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At Xccelerate , we believe in building a supportive and diverse community, democratizing education, and training a diverse group of people to build the products that will have a social and economic impact. As a sponsor for Startup Weekend’s Women Edition, we sponsored the winning four contestants to take Python courses and host Women in Tech lunches for our software engineering students and staff.

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‍Happy International Women’s Day Tech Lunch 2018 with our staff and software engineering students

According to the Harvard Business Review, Women’s networking events provide the following benefits:

  • a sense of social connection felt by the attendees,
  • engaging sessions
  • leaders who role model and exemplify the qualities that the conference is attempting to instill
  • a memorable moment
  • a realistic assessment of the present with an optimistic look to the future

If you are interested in partnering with Xccelerate for diversity and community initiatives, please contact community@xccelerate.co

If you are interested in learning more about Data Science, please check out our Data Science and Machine learning course.

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