Are Coding Bootcamps Worth It?

Aka Chung
July 13, 2020
Last updated on
July 29, 2024


“Is a coding bootcamp worth it?” or "Is it right for me?" - These questions are becoming more popular as technology improves. This article aims to provide a clear picture to help you decide if bootcamps are for you.

The world is racing ahead, and the task of catching up to it is becoming more daunting by every passing minute. This is particularly undeniably true in the world of tech. If you ask any professional programmer about staying in the know of everyday progress in the world of tech, they will most certainly reaffirm its importance.

No matter which profession you choose, in today’s age, you need to be technically aware to have a profound footprint on the internet. This is how you can grow your brands and businesses quickly and efficiently. From a social media influencer to a web developer, coding skills are highly imperative for getting ahead in their career.

Check out this interesting blog on why tech skills are important for social media influencers.

Unfortunately, people are beginning to realize the importance of coding only now. So, does that mean you are too late to start or do you feel left behind?

Over the last few years, immersive coding schools, amongst various online platforms, have emerged as viable options to quickly obtain in-demand, career worthy skills.
Whilst many industry professionals and companies alike have come to accept top bootcamp graduates as fantastic candidates for entry-level positions, the fact of the matter is they aren't for everyone. Between the rigorous curriculum, timeline and focus needed, they earn their namesake as hardcore sprints to gain a lot in a little time.

So, let’s dive deeper into the world of coding bootcamps. Here is all you need to know to decide if it is the right thing for you. Read on!

online bootcamp class illustration

What Is a Coding Bootcamp?

Coding bootcamps are essentially short-term, highly intensive, in-person, online (or a hybrid of both) training programs. They are strategically structured in their curriculum, which will help you learn the intricacies of any particular coding language very quickly and efficiently. In addition to favoring faster learning, a coding class is also focused on putting the newly earned skills to good practical use for further refinement as soon as possible.

This is just the tip of the iceberg of what a it has to offer you. Let us look at why you should consider joining a professional bootcamp.

Also Read:What are coding bootcamps?

Why Do People Join Coding Bootcamps?

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As mentioned before, coding is not only a much-appreciated skill but also a very necessary one, irrespective of the industry. In a previous article, we discuss more about tech skills that are valuable in any industry.

Not all have a degree in computer science or a background in technical education. Some of you are artists, marketers, managers, and a whole bunch of other things that once did not have coding as a prerequisite. But times are changing, and there is virtually no profession that does not benefit from the knowledge of coding, or at the least the art of programmatic thinking.

So, if you are struggling to learn a programming language through self-study or one of the thousands of online platforms, a professional bootcamp may be a thing for you.

Some of the more common reasons why people do decide coding bootcamps are:

  1. Rapid learning and practical implementation
  2. Career transitions and opportunities
  3. Self-improvement
  4. Business expansion
  5. Expert guidance and trusted curriculum

1. Rapid Learning and Practical Implementation

A typical computer science degree can take up to 4 years. Needless to say, people do not have that much free time on their hands in the middle of their careers. Also, a computer science degree is not suitable for everyone.  

A coding boot camp helps you learn a programming language quickly and put it to practical use as soon as possible. The entire boot camp can be from a few weeks to just a few months long. Compared to a 4-year degree, this is definitely a bargain!

2. Career Transitions and Opportunities

It is not uncommon for people to find different interests as time passes and switch careers. To do so, they would typically have to first acquire the relevant skills that are required for their career transition.  

If the new career option calls for skills in programming, then they have no other go but to learn to code. As mentioned before, enrolling impulsively in a 4 or 5-year course is not the most practical solution. Hence, professional bootcamps are the go-to solutions for such people.

Professional coding schools are also great for people who are just getting started off in their careers. The bootcamp teaches all the relevant skills and also assists in job placements at a fast pace. For example, Xccelerate prides itself in its 91% graduate job placement rate and 28 days of the average time for a graduate to get placed.

3. Self-Improvement

Top coding boot camps are not just for somebody with a highly specific career or future goals. They can also be fun if you just want to improve your knowledge and broaden your mind.

In an interview with a former coding boot camp student Dan Tsui, the founder, and CEO of the blockchain company Kyokan, Dan said that he originally wanted to get better at coding so that he could use computational simulations to help him with poker as he was a professional poker player back then.  

This goes to show some of the creative ways by which you can use coding to solve your everyday personal problems.

4. Business Expansion

With technology continuously evolving and software taking over the world, it is high time that you get your business seen by the masses on the internet.  

Coding bootcamps are very useful for you if you run a small business and do not have enough funds to rapidly hire expert people who can clearly understand you and do your bidding. So, one of the best ways under such circumstances, both financially as well as strategically, is to develop your coding skills quickly and put them to use relentlessly.

5. Expert Guidance and Trusted Curriculum

Self study and the idea of the internet being a vast source of information is fantastic on paper and, for some, the optimal answer to learning new skills.

What we have found through Xccelerate students is that it indeed is not for everyone. Some find it hard to stay accountable to a timeline to learn. Some are unsure of what skills they should be focusing and where each one fits in the foundational hierarchy.

Others find it difficult to get answers to questions when they get stuck, or don’t even know how to search for the question or problem they have to begin with!

At a bootcamp, between instructors and fellow students, guidance is usually just a hand-raise away.

Online tutorials concept

Coding bootcamps may be for you if you are…

Here are some reasons why coding bootcamps are loved by so many people.

1. Focused and Intensive

Best online coding schools are very focused on a particular niche and do not stray away from their goals. They are intense, and the environment is often high spirited.

2. Kickstart Your Career

By learning particle skills that are in demand by companies around the world, you can kickstart your career or transition into a new career without many difficulties.

3. Cost-Effective and Time-Saving

Compared to an exorbitantly expensive 4-year degree in computer science from a university, coding boot camps save you time, money, and energy while also help you land in a high-paying technical job position.  

4. Job Placements

Reputed coding boot camps, like that of Xccelerate, help you in choosing your career paths and also assist you in learning how to capture the attention of companies of all sizes and stages, including the likes of Microsoft and Alibaba Group.

5. Professional Network

Attending a boot camp exposes you to people from different walks of life who converged at the same point. Such connections are very strong and last long, both professionally as well as personally.

And, of course, reasons why a coding bootcamp may not be for you…

Just like every other thing in this world, coding bootcamps also have some downsides to them.

1. Potentially Exhausting

Since coding boot camps last for a short time and have to provide a lot of information, they require immense concentration and persistence. This can be exhausting for you if you are a slow, self-paced learner.

2. Narrow Focus

While boot camps have an edge on conventional computer science degrees, they still cannot cover the vastness of knowledge a 4 or 5-year computer science course may provide you. They are more focused on the skills that are in demand and quickly get you a technical job.

3. Time Intensive

Bootcamps are designed to equip you with new skills in an extremely short period of time relative to the density of the subject matter. If you plan to leverage a bootcamp to learn new skills, you will need to be prepared to set aside a few months of your life, dedicated to learning and getting the right skills to kickstart an exciting new career.

Also Read:How to pick a coding bootcamp

Alternatives to Coding Bootcamps

With coding bootcamps being such a massive hit, it is not easy to find alternatives for them without giving up on some of their well-appreciated perks and quirks.

1. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)

You can try to learn to code on massive open online course (MOOC) platforms like Udemy or Coursera.  
MOOCs provide a lot of material and to a large number of people at a relatively low price. However, the disadvantage of this is that it generally does not include any placement assistance. Furthermore, bootcamp certifications tend to hold a much higher value than MOOC certifications for various companies.

2. Join Coding Communities

This is the most inexpensive way to learn to code. Just join a coding community on the internet or offline and interact with various coders. You will hardly spend a penny and get the basics of coding down.

The con to this is that it is like rowing a small boat in an endless ocean. There is no strategically planned syllabus for you, and you will not have anyone to really rely upon other than yourself.

3. Hire a Personal Tutor

Hiring a personal tutor to learn a programming language has its pros and cons. The most advantageous aspect of this alternative to coding boot camp Hong Kong or anywhere else across the globe is that you will receive the most personal care.  

The downside to this is that finding an expert is very difficult and may even cost you more than what you would pay for top coding schools. Failing to hire a professional will result in poor curriculum and knowledge sharing. In either case, you are usually also exempt from any assistance for job placements.

4. Go Back to School

Universities are still here and will be for a long time. Maybe this traditional learning model is the right structure for you in the end if you have the time and money to spare.


So, is a coding bootcamp useful? Most definitely! With great career opportunities, you should definitely consider enrolling.  

If you are looking for a coding bootcamp in Hong Kong or you want to learn to code in Hong Kong, then head over to Xccelerate. With a 90% satisfaction rate, we will be sure not to disappoint you.

Also Read:How to Get a Job After a Coding Bootcamp

Xccelerate 16 Weeks Full-time Coding Bootcamps

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