Introducing Xccelerate

Lavine Hemlani
November 1, 2018
Last updated on
March 13, 2024


As you may have noticed, we have a new look… again!

In March we had released this blog post introducing our new look and logo along with a brief update on the status of Xccelerate as you knew it.

We are here today to introduce the next evolution of our brand, from A to X.

A lot has happened since our first Full-Time Immersive Software Engineering Bootcamp in February 2017. We’ve educated over 500 students, provided bespoke training for enterprises of all sizes, expanded our course offerings, held dozens of interactive workshops and brought together amazing speakers and partners for massive panel events here in Hong Kong.

Amidst all of this, we’ve had to adapt to fast-paced change; adapt to the needs of our students, the need for new spaces to teach and operate, the need to create more engaging content and find more career opportunities for our graduates.

When we set out to build Xccelerate as it was, we knew there was an opportunity to change lives by helping Hong Kong overcome the impending skilled labor shortage. We knew 800 million jobs would be automated by 2030 and that there was a need for someone to step in and begin to address these issues. What we didn’t know was just how big this opportunity would be, so fast.

In order to accomodate a bigger vision, we have rebranded to Xccelerate.

Under Xccelerate we intend to double-down on our focus on addressing the tech talent shortage in Hong Kong, creating the best possible practical hands-on learning experience for career movers and improvers alike with a new campus experience to come as well as fresh curriculum updates and a well-rounded end to end experience.

The Xccelerate brand also provides us more flexibility when scaling as an organization. As much as we love the original name and brand, it’s not the easiest to trademark on a global scale!

So what changes can you expect in the short term? Here’s a quick breakdown:

-You’ll notice that our name and branding has completely changed. This will be reflected on all major channels moving forward, including our website domain
-We’ll be sharing more about our new campus in the coming months
-An expanded lineup of workshop offerings

We are all in when it comes time to building the best possible educational experience that we can. While we know that there will always be options when it comes to education, whether it means committing to post-graduate programs, self-study and online courses or traditional part-time learning platforms we believe that there is room for an accessible, community based experiential learning platform that makes upgrading your skills, and thus, your career more exciting than ever.

So what are you waiting for? It’s never too soon to upgrade your skills. Browse our upcoming courses now!

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在今年三月份我們已經發表過此遍文章,介紹我們的新面貌、新商標,並且伴隨一段簡短的介紹提及 Xccelerate 的最新狀況,相信對此大家經已有所了解。

我們在此向各位介紹公司的下一階段品牌進化、由 A 至 X。

自從 2017 年 2 月舉辦過我們首次的全日制軟件工程訓練營之後,所發生的事情著實不少。例如迄今我們已經教導超過五百名學生、為不同架構的企業辦過講座、擴闊課程範圍、多次舉辦互動工作室、為多項平台項目引進多名頂尖講者以及伙伴來港。


當初創建 Xccelerate 之時,我們已經知道有著這樣的一個機會為香港就有關技術短缺的勞動市場帶來協助,因為我們知道至 2030 年時全球將會有著多達八億個相關職位空缺。當時未有預料的是這個機會究竟會有幾大,以及難以預計機會來得太快。

故此,為配合更廣闊的視野,我們將品牌重新打造成 Xccelerate。

在 Xccelerate 底下焦點將會雙倍集中在香港有關技術的人才短缺、透過嶄新訓練營為在職者提供最為優良的學習體驗、亦就課程變更而令學員有著全方位的體驗。

Xccelerate 這個品牌為我們作為組織提高更高的靈活性,雖然我們亦熱愛原有品牌,但以全球定位而言將會有所限制。



