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Why is Python Considered a High-Level Programming Language?

Steve Safarowic
July 16, 2021
Last updated on
June 13, 2024

Python has recently emerged as the best pick as a high-level programming language as confirmed by IEEE study and many people try to learn Python through Python coding courses. The Python language was founded in 1991 by the software developer Guido Van Rossum with the intent to make things easy for developers and continue to grow. Ever since then, the language has undergone several versions and updates and is now used in many big enterprises and IT companies.

Python is a versatile language that can be used for building a range of applications including web services, websites, and enterprise applications. The language is constantly evolving with new innovations and improvements, making it an ideal choice for developers who want to master a versatile programming language. Software developers have to dabble in a gamut of available programming languages used for building web services, websites and enterprise applications before settling for the one they feel most comfortable with. Python is also relatively easy to learn, which makes it a great choice for beginners who are just starting out in the world of programming. Ultimately, Python is a great all-around language that can be used for a variety of purposes. Learning Python is not an easy task, yet you find a suitable Python coding course and further increase your Python coding skills. After completing a Python coding course, you'll be able to use python to build web applications on your own.

In this blog, you will learn why Python is considered as a dynamic, high-level programming language.

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What does high-level language (HLL) mean?

In computer programming, a high-level language (HLL) is a programming language with strong abstraction from the details of the computer. Such languages are easier and more natural for people to use than machine code or assembly language, which require knowledge of details that are hidden from the user by the HLL. The difference between low-level and high-level programming languages is that Low-level languages are closer to machine code, which is the code that a computer executes directly. High-level languages are further from machine code and closer to natural languages like English.  

In general, high-level languages are less efficient in terms of memory and processing power than low-level languages because the language has to provide an abstraction for the programmer. However, this trade-off is usually worth it because high-level languages make programming easier and more fun!

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What makes python a high-level programming language?

In a general understanding of highest-to-lowest languages, Python tops the list:

  • Python/PHP
  • Ruby and Perl
  • Google Go
  • Java/C/C++
  • Assembly

According to the basic principle of coding, the factor that makes a language high level is its distance from machine binary code. How many layers of code the language is away from the machine's simple 0s and 1s is what practically decides the level of any programming language.
In the software engineering world, Python is understood as a high-level, interpreted general-purpose language. This means it is not your straight compiled language (like Java or C) but an interpreted dynamic language that has to be run in the given system using another program instead of its local processor. When compiled, other languages turn into Assembly and run directly in the processor. Hence, being an interpreted language, which is not subject to the processor, makes Python a high-level programming language.

Also, Python is a high-level programming language that is known for its ease of readability.  Python’s syntax is designed to be easy to read and understand resulting in fewer coding steps for developers than imposed by Java or C++. This makes it a great choice for beginners who are just starting to learn programming. Python is also portable, meaning that it can run on any platform, including Windows, Mac, Linux, and even Raspberry Pi.
In addition, Python supports development in AI which is a rapidly growing field, and Python is a language that is well-suited for development in this area. With its high level of readability and portability, Python is an excellent choice for high-level programming.

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Why developers are fond of Python?

Python has become one of the most popular programming languages in recent years, and developers are increasingly fond of it for its versatility, handy tools and features, and brevity of code. Most development companies and programmers fancy using Python more than other mainstream languages such as Java, C, and C++. Ever since it was born, the language has gone through groundbreaking updates and improvements and received add-ons to be what it is today. Developers are also fond of Python due to its large number of libraries and ready packages that enable them to build software rapidly by avoiding writing code from scratch.

Python has had many versions and the latest version is 3.9.6, released on 28 June 2021. At first, Python 1.0 had Modula-3 module and Amoeba Operating System with various tools. Its next version Python 2.0 introduced added features like garbage collector and Unicode Support while Python 3.0 had a smart enough design to cease duplicate modules and versions. Python 3.5 now has better, more innovative features.
In a nutshell, the software development companies have a positive proclivity to Python because of:

  • Versatility
  • Handy tools and features
  • Brevity of programming code.
  • Extensive support across (OS UNIX, Windows, Linux, and Mac OS)
  • Interactive and Interpreted
  • Dynamic and portable
  • Object-oriented
  • High level
  • Compatible with C++ & C

Academically, Python has also gained recognition for its ability to be used in a variety of settings. Many universities and colleges now offer Python coding courses as part of their computer science programs. The popularity of Python among both academics and professionals is a testament to its versatility and usefulness. Also, the python certification will give you an edge in your career as a programmer. There are a number of ways to get certified, but the best way is to take a Python course Hong Kong from an accredited institution.

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Advantages of using Python Language 1: Immense diversity

Applications of Python language for building software for varied industries are greatly diverse, with each application drawing a unique potential from the language. It can be used for a wide variety of tasks, from web development to scientific computing. This diversity is one of Python's greatest strengths. Software development companies can therefore leverage the diversity element of Python to gain advantages in the domains like:

  • Web structures
  • Testing frameworks
  • Embedded apps
  • Gaming apps
  • Enterprise solutions
  • Prototype creation
  • Language development
  • Graphic design applications

Such broad usage of the language across assorted industries means a strong upper hand for Python over other contemporary programming languages used by programmers.

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Advantages of using Python Language 2: Generous Libraries and Packages

Python Language has many advantages and one of the most important ones is Generous Libraries and Packages. This simply means that there are a lot of libraries and packages available in Python that developers can use to create feature-rich tools and software for various applications. These libraries support making string operations, web service tools, data points, user interfaces, multi-protocol networks, and prototypes. The major and frequently used programming functions are already included in its libraries to help programmers produce more while writing less code with Python.

In other words, the code-rich libraries can be accessed by software building pros via the Python package management system and potentially contain packages that programmers can use to avoid writing it all from scratch. Each package is basically a set of code written by other coding masters and is freely available to the entire Python community.

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Advantages of using Python Language 3: Improved Programmer's Productivity

Python is the only programming language with an extensive set of support libraries and smart object-oriented designs which boosts programmer's productivity up to tenfold. It is also the best language to go with Java, VB, Perl, C, C and C++.

Python’s syntax is clear and concise, this makes code easier to read and debug which contributes to increased efficiency, speed, and performance of Python developers are its robust process integration feature. It enables unit testing framework and enhanced control, which not only adds to application development pace but also makes it easy for software engineers to build multifaceted scalable applications. Python’s large standard library and active community also make it a great choice for programmers who want to get things done quickly.

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Advantages of using Python Language 4: Integration Feature

Python's integration feature is one of its advantages that allows developers to easily develop high-level robust web services by invoking COM and COBRA components. Python also has enhanced control capabilities powered by Python that work well with C, C++ or Java.

Plus, Python has the ability to run on all of today's Operating Systems using the same code, which enables it to read and process XML and other markup languages.

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Advantages of using Python Language 5: Incredible AI and Machine learning support

Python is an amazing programming language with many advantages. One of the biggest advantages is the incredible AI and Machine learning support. Python libraries and packages contain code dedicated to programming high-level industry-specific software with intelligent machine learning capabilities. This is a massive added advantage for developers who are willing to grab opportunities to power next-generation, automated systems using deep learning frameworks and artificial intelligence.

Moreover, due to its interoperability, both Python and non-Python developers (unfamiliar with Python ecosystem) can equally leverage deep learning frameworks like TensorFlow and Keras library as suggested by IEEE study. AI developers can rely on these frameworks and libraries to build high-quality neural networks.

From the perspective of the futuristic engineering world, this is the undeniable reason why Python deserves to be regarded as a high-level programming language. If you're looking to get into AI and Machine learning, Python should be your go-to language.

Limitations with Python

Although Python offers easy-to-learn-and-code luxury and web programmers use it more often than any other language, it has small limitations that might put some restrictions on certain computer science applications.
Python developers have also reported challenges faced when learning as well as working with other languages. This is primarily because Python offers an incredible range of features and extensive libraries that developers find difficult to resist. It also needs more testing time with certain errors showing up when run on different operating systems.

Despite these challenges, python is still a popular language to learn and use for web development. If you are interested in python, it’s recommended to take a Python coding course to get started and get a Python certification!

Python Coding Course

From its thriving support libraries and interpreted, dynamic nature, there is a lot Python is capable of doing for software developers. If Python libraries offer a ready bundle of code written by someone else and save efforts of writing from scratch, its clear documentation helps programmers learn things fast. Its enterprise application integration boosts control, speed and productivity while its machine learning frameworks encourage intelligent deep learning systems.

It is manifest that Python is a robust, high-level programming language with easy-to-read code lines that accelerate debugging jobs for testers, too. Its extensive support and power have made Python a superior programming language across the globe.

If you're interested in Python, then you should definitely consider applying for the Python coding course. Python is a powerful programming language that can be used for a variety of purposes. With its easy-to-read code lines and extensive support libraries, Python is an ideal choice for those looking to improve their programming skills. Python certification can open up many doors for you professionally. So don't wait any longer, apply for the Python course Hong Kong today!