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How E-commerce is Evolving with Technology

Xccelerate HK
June 10, 2021
Last updated on
June 14, 2024

Growing customer expectations and high demands in the e-commerce industry are forcing all businesses to go back to their drawing boards and come up with something new, innovative, and creative.
Artificial intelligence and machine learning solutions, and immersive technologies like Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality are now revolutionizing the industry.  

According to Google Hong Kong’s report, 78% of Hong Kong businesses agreed that AI is beneficial and will improve their businesses. Hong Kong’s e-commerce penetration is expected to cross 72% in 2022.
The e-commerce technology sector is the new hotspot where everyone wants to be. But what are the various skills that are required to fit well into this field? Let’s find out!

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The Buzz Around E-commerce

The main purpose of incorporating technology in e-commerce is to bridge the gap between an online and offline shopping experience.
So let’s begin with looking into the various technological e-commerce trends that are creating quite a buzz among people and businesses. This will give you a clear picture of the scope of this industry.

AI-Based Chatbots

The first obstacle that e-commerce customers face is the absence of a human presence to help them with their queries. This has led to the employment of conversational marketing techniques by a great number of businesses in their marketing strategies.  
AI-based chatbots solve customer problems, help them navigate across the website, and provide a personalized experience 24x7 without any human intervention.  

Personalized Recommendations

Recommendations are another way of personalizing the customer’s shopping experience. Artificial intelligence and machine learning models make use of the customer’s search history and shopping journey on the website to display certain relevant products.  
This increases the brand’s engagement rates and improves their product discovery.  

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AR and VR

The next hurdle that customers encounter is not being able to try and experience products in real life to check their looks or features.  
Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) have enabled businesses to jump over this hurdle with ease. These immersive technologies give the customer a virtual experience wherein they can explore the products in real life.  

Customers can get the mirror experience by seeing how products like shoes, specs, or makeup look on them, or they can get a product trial experience by checking how a product would look on a shelf or in a cabinet.  

The E-commerce platform Shopify said that they witnessed a 94% higher conversion rate with products that used AR. And with only 11% of companies using AR and VR to enhance the customer experience in the e-commerce hk industry, the opportunities in this sector are only going to increase in the future.  

How Can You Be a Part of the E-commerce Industry?

If you are planning on starting a career or changing your career path, then these e-commerce jobs in Hong Kong can be worth looking into.

Website Developer

The entire driving force of e-commerce is its online presence and accessibility to everyone. Creating, developing, and maintaining a creative and engaging website helps you attain that presence.  
You will have to look into the performance of the website and make sure it is fast and robust if you decide to become a website developer. Only then can your website use and adapt to the current trends like VR, AR, and AI.

But you can’t become a web developer without having the proper knowledge. That is why Xccelerate offers a part-time Web Development Course for Absolute Beginners and also a full-time Full-Stack Web Development Immersive Course that provides in-depth knowledge for you to improve your web development skills.  
The average annual salary for a web developer in Hong Kong is HK$237,334.  

Read Also: 2021 Career Guide: Software Engineering in Hong Kong

UX Designer

Apart from web developers, UX designers also play an important role in enhancing the customer experience. But UX design has started to branch out into various specifications. Hence, you must thoroughly understand various UX roles and choose one accordingly.  
Even you can become successful UX designer by enrolling yourself in the Full-Stack UX Design Course with Xccelerate. You can also look into User Interface course to set a foundation in UI. These courses will improve your UX and UI skills. UX designer's salary is around HK$320,000 on average in a year.  

Digital Marketing Specialist and Manager

Proper marketing helps in bringing in more customers, thereby increasing the sales of a company. Digital marketing has gone ten steps ahead of traditional marketing tactics.  
The rising scope and potential of this field has created a lot of interest in people who want to be a part of the e-commerce industry.  
You can develop or fine-tune your digital marketing skills and form a growth hacking mindset by learning fundamentals of technologies and tools used in this sector.  
A digital marketing specialist is paid HK$291,364 on average, whereas a digital marketing manager earns HK$398,141 in a year.

Read Also: The Incredible Rise and Ever-Evolving Applications of the “Growth” Hacker

Cybersecurity Specialist

A cybersecurity professional ensures the safety of the website by protecting it from any external threats. In this job, you will have to perform regular health checks, recognize any red flags, and provide regular reports.  
Xccelerate’s cybersecurity course in HK imparts the necessary knowledge and makes you the right pick for the job.  
The average annual salary of people with cybersecurity skills is HK$568,373.

Data Scientist

E-commerce cannot function without the help of data scientists and data analysts. The job description for data science includes receiving and managing data from all sources and converting this data into meaningful insights. The company can then use these insights to make better decisions for the business.
Before you begin, you should go through the various roles under data science and the skills required and decide which way would be best for you. Xccelerate also offers data science course that can help you in your journey.
A data scientist earns HK$411,745 on an average in a year.

Read Also: Data Analytics Vs. Data Science

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The scope of the E-commerce industry is on an exponential rise since the incorporation of technological advancements. Due to these advanced solutions, businesses are able to meet and exceed the customer’s demands and expectations through a sophisticated shopping environment.  
Xccelerate makes you job-ready by training you on the latest and necessary skills. So take up a tech course in Hong Kong with Xccelerate and thrust your career forward!

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